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Quarterly Check-Ins: Best Practices for Virtual Meetings

By , An AssetMark Company
Quarterly Check-Ins: Best Practices for Virtual Meetings

Face-to-face quarterly reviews were the norm, then Covid struck, and all meetings of any kind became virtual. Now that we are past the pandemic, many meetings remain virtual – it is convenient. Thanks to modern technology solutions, advisors can have extremely meaningful and productive interactions with clients remotely.

If advisors utilize videoconferencing tools such as Zoom or WebEx for quarterly check-ins, they can share their screens with clients as they run planning scenarios, explain reports and charts, demonstrate the likely impact of potential trades on an investment portfolio, and more.

Below are some additional best practices to ensure your quarterly meetings with clients are seamless and successful engagements:

  • Give Clients Enough Time to Review Quarterly Reports: Quarterly meetings are most productive when both the advisor and client are fully engaged and familiar with report content. If clients receive quarterly reports just a day before check-ins with their advisors, they won’t have long enough to sit down, go over the entire report, and formulate questions and comments to share during the meeting. Try to email links to quarterly reports in your portfolio management technology platform’s client portal to clients at least a week before the meeting, and send a text or email reminding them to review their reports at least two days ahead of the check-in.

  • Set Aside Time for Tax Planning: Advisors can discuss opportunities for tax-loss harvesting during the quarter, and tax-smart investment strategies that can be pursued going forward.
  • Review Financial Plans & Budgets: Take extra time during your scheduled quarterly check-ins to review clients’ financial plans, and depending on clients’ circumstances, discuss changes that may need to be made.
  • Invite Clients’ Spouses & Children to Participate: Virtual meetings present advisors with an opportunity to conveniently foster stronger relationships with their clients’ spouses and children. Advisors can encourage clients to invite their loved ones to join them in front of their computer cameras, or remotely, during their scheduled quarterly check-ins, so they can express their own financial concerns and ask relevant questions. If clients are seeking activities to keep their children busy while schools are closed, advisors can recommend online financial literacy programs that can help students develop awareness of the importance of wealth planning and saving—and even walk them through one of the lessons during the quarterly meeting.

Remote meetings via videoconference can be just as productive and engaging as in-person discussions. Advisors can seize the opportunity to go deeper and demonstrate even more value to clients during quarterly meetings when face-to-face interaction isn’t possible or convenient.

C24-20967 | EXP 2-28-2026

By , An AssetMark Company

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